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MicaSense Altum is a ground-breaking new three-in-one solution for unrivalled sensing in a small package. The ideal combination of precision, flexibility, and power. In a single flight, Altum captures synchronised thermal, multispectral, and high-resolution imagery, resulting in aligned outputs for advanced analytics. In a single flight, collect data on plant health, phenotype, and water stress. With unlimited USB storage, you can fly for longer. Multiple interface options and embedded mounting points make integration simple.

Kit includes the calibration hardware as well as the integration kit for Matrice series.

Key Specifications


Altum + DLS 2: 406.5 g (14.34 oz)
Altum: 357 g (12.6 oz)
DLS2: 49 g (1.73 oz)
Wi-Fi Adapter: 2 g (0.07 oz)
USB stick: 9 g (0.32 oz)


8.2 cm x 6.7 cm x 6.75 cm (3.2 in x 2.6 in x 2.7 in)

External Power

5.5/7.0/10W (standby, average, peak)

Spectral Bands

EO: Blue, green, red, red edge, near infrared (NIR)
LWIR: thermal infrared 8-14um

Wavelength (nm)

Blue (475 nm center, 32 nm bandwidth), green (560 nm center, 27 nm bandwidth), red (668 nm center, 14 nm bandwidth), red edge (717 nm center, 12 nm bandwidth), near-IR (842 nm center, 57 nm bandwidth)

Sensor Resolution

2064 x 1544 (3.2 MP per EO band)
160 x 120 thermal infrared

Ground Sample Distance (GSD)

5.28 cm per pixel (per EO band) at 120 m (~400 ft) AGL 81cm per pixel (thermal) at 120m

Capture Rate

1 capture per second1 (all bands), 12-bit RAW


Aircraft: Trigger input, top of frame out, 1 PPS out. 3.3V isolated IO
2x USB 3.0 SuperSpeed ports for WiFi or Ethernet and USB 3.0 Storage.

Focal Length

7.84 mm (multispectral)
1.77 mm (thermal)

Field of View

50.2º x 38.4º (multispectral)
57º x 44º (thermal)


USB 3.0 compatible storage devices